It can be frustrating and concerning when your ADT camera fails to record crucial moments. Whether for security, peace of mind, or monitoring purposes, the reliability of your camera is paramount.

Understanding why your ADT camera is not recording is essential to address any issues promptly and ensure the safety of your premises. From technical malfunctions to connectivity issues, various factors could be at play.

By delving into the root cause of this problem, you can take proactive steps to rectify it and restore the functionality of your ADT camera, safeguarding your property and enhancing your surveillance capabilities.

What is ADT Camera?

ADT (American District Telegraph) is a renowned and trusted brand in the home security industry, providing various products and services to protect your property. One of their popular offerings is their range of ADT cameras, designed for indoor and outdoor use.

These cameras come with features such as live streaming, motion detection, night vision, and cloud storage options, making them an attractive option for homeowners and businesses alike. For video clips and footage to be saved, the camera must record continuously or through motion detection triggers. Camera settings and storage options can also influence the recording process.

Possible Reasons Why Is My ADT Camera Not Recording

Now start figuring out why your ADT camera may not be recording, and we provide you solutions to get your camera back up and recording.

Power Issues:

The first thing to check when your ADT camera is not recording is its power source. Ensure that the camera is properly plugged in and receiving power. If you have a battery-powered camera, make sure the batteries are charged and functional. If solid green light is not visible on the camera, it indicates that the device does not have power.


If the camera is not receiving power, check the outlet or replace the batteries. If the power source seems to be working fine, move on to other potential causes. ADT pulse camera not recording could also be due to loose or damaged power cords, which can be easily replaced.

The Camera is Not Properly Configured:

Another common reason why your ADT camera may not be recording is incorrect or incomplete configuration. When setting up your camera, it is crucial to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully to ensure all settings and options are correctly inputted.


To troubleshoot this issue, reset the camera to its factory default settings and reconfigure it according to the instructions. If you are still having trouble, contact ADT customer support for assistance.

  • Log into ADT account
  • Select “Video” tab on the menu bar
  • Select your camera from the list
  • Click on “configure recording”
  • Check if motion detection is enabled and adjust sensitivity levels as needed.

Connectivity Issues:

Another possibility is that your camera may not be connected to the internet, which prevents it from recording or uploading footage to the cloud. This could be due to a weak Wi-Fi signal, incorrect network settings, or issues with your internet service provider.


First, check your Wi-Fi connection and make sure it is strong enough for the camera to function properly. If necessary, move the camera closer to the router or consider using a Wi-Fi extender.

Additionally, verify that your network settings are correct and contact your internet service provider if you continue to experience issues. Make sure the Ethernet cable is securely connected to both the camera and router.

Insufficient Storage Space:

If your ADT camera is set to record continuously, it may eventually run out of storage space on its internal memory or cloud storage. This can also happen if the camera is set to record at a high resolution, resulting in larger file sizes.


To address this issue, consider adjusting your camera's recording settings to lower resolutions or enable motion-triggered recording. You can also purchase additional cloud storage space from ADT if needed. Recording schedule can also be adjusted to control the number of video clips being stored.

Technical Malfunctions:

In some cases, technical malfunctions with the camera itself could be causing it not to record. This could include hardware issues or software bugs that require professional assistance to resolve.


  • If you have eliminated other potential causes and suspect technical issues, consider following these steps:
  • Reset the camera to its factory defaults.
  • Update the camera's firmware if available.
  • Contact ADT customer support for further assistance or consider having a technician inspect and repair the camera.

Camera Placement and Obstructions:

The positioning of your ADT camera can also affect its recording capabilities. If the camera is facing a wall, placed too high or low, or has obstructions blocking its view, it may not capture footage effectively.


When installing your camera, make sure it is positioned correctly and has an unobstructed view of the area you want to monitor. Consider using mounting brackets or stands to achieve better placement if needed. For analog cameras, ensure that the cables are properly connected and not damaged.

These are some of the most common reasons why your ADT camera may not be recording. By understanding these possible causes, you can troubleshoot and address any issues promptly, ensuring the safety and security of your property. If you continue to experience problems with your ADT camera, do not hesitate to contact their customer support for assistance.

Tips for Maintaining and Enhancing Your ADT Camera's Performance

To prevent future recording issues, here are some tips to help you maintain and enhance your ADT camera's performance:

  • Regularly check and clean the camera lens to ensure clear footage.
  • Keep the camera firmware up to date for optimal functionality.
  • Test your camera periodically to ensure it is functioning correctly.
  • Install additional lighting in areas with poor visibility or use cameras with advanced night vision capabilities.
  • Consider investing in a backup power source, such as a UPS, to prevent downtime during power outages.

By following these tips and promptly addressing any issues that may arise, you can ensure that your ADT camera continues to function effectively and provide reliable surveillance for your property.

How Do I Get my ADT Camera to Record Motion?

To get your ADT camera to record motion, follow these steps:

a . Log into Your ADT Account:

    • Log in to your ADT account using your username and password.
    • Click on the "Video" tab on the menu bar.
    1. Select Your Camera:
    • From the list of cameras, click on the one you want to configure for motion recording.
    1. Adjust Recording Options:
    • Click on "configure recording" to access your camera's recording options.
    • Under "Recording Options," check if motion detection is enabled and adjust sensitivity levels as needed.
    1. Save Changes:
    • Once you have made any necessary changes, click "Save" to apply them to your camera.


Why is my ADT camera not alerting motion?

There could be several reasons why your ADT camera is not alerting motion. Some potential causes include incorrect settings, Wi-Fi connectivity issues, or technical malfunctions.

How do I reset my ADT sensor?

To reset an ADT sensor, locate the sensor's reset button and press and hold it for a few seconds until the LED indicator flashes. Refer to your camera's manual for specific instructions on resetting your particular model.

How long does ADT save footage?

If camera functioning properly and connected to a continuous power source, ADT saves footage for up to 30 days in the cloud. However, if you experience any issues with your camera or storage space runs out, older footage may be overwritten. Consider purchasing additional cloud storage if needed.

Does ADT camera work without internet?

Yes, ADT cameras can still record footage without an internet connection. However, you will not be able to access live streaming or recordings remotely through the app without an internet connection.


In conclusion, the functionality of your ADT camera plays a pivotal role in ensuring the security and surveillance of your property. When facing challenges with recording capabilities, addressing the root cause promptly is essential for maintaining a reliable monitoring system.

By troubleshooting technical issues, checking connectivity, and seeking assistance from ADT's support services if needed, you can restore the recording functionality of your camera and enhance the overall safety measures in place. Proactive maintenance and timely resolution of recording issues are key to safeguarding your premises effectively.

Open a web browser and go to the ADT website.Your ADT camera should now be set up to record motion and capture footage when it detects movement within its field of view. If you continue to experience issues with motion detection recording, refer to the troubleshooting tips mentioned above or contact ADT customer support for assistance.