The Horizon Carrier Screen is a comprehensive genetic test designed to identify individuals who carry genes for specific genetic diseases, including autosomal recessive diseases. Utilizing advanced technology, this screening analyzes an individual's DNA to detect potential carrier status for over 274 genetic conditions.

By providing detailed insights into genetic health, the Horizon Carrier Screenplays a crucial role in preimplantation genetic diagnosis, helping prospective parents understand their risk of passing on genetic disorders.

This enables informed decision-making for family planning and proactive management of genetic diseases, ultimately promoting healthier future generations.

What is Carrier Screening?

Carrier screening is a type of genetic testing that helps identify individuals who carry genes for specific inherited conditions. This test can inform prospective parents about their risk of passing on these genetic disorders to their children.

Carrier screening aims to provide couples with valuable information that can help them make informed decisions about family planning and reproductive health. It can also assist in identifying potential health risks in future generations, allowing for better preparedness and support.

Carrier screening involves analyzing an individual's DNA to detect any abnormal or mutated genes associated with certain genetic conditions, such as cystic fibrosis, spinal muscular atrophy, and fragile X syndrome.

Genetic carrier screening can be performed before or during pregnancy and is recommended for all individuals planning to have children, especially if they have a family history of genetic disorders. Genetic disease carriers do not typically have any symptoms or health problems, making carrier screening a crucial tool in detecting potential risks.

What is the Horizon Carrier Screen?

The Horizon Carrier Screen is a comprehensive genetic test that utilizes advanced technology to analyze an individual's DNA and identify any potential carrier status for various genetic disorders. This screening is specifically designed to cover a broad range of conditions, providing individuals with a more comprehensive understanding of their genetic health.

Unlike traditional carrier screening tests, the Horizon Carrier Screen uses next-generation sequencing technology, which allows for more accurate and detailed results. It screens for over 274 genetic conditions, including those common in specific ethnic or racial groups.

Not only does this test provide valuable information for prospective parents regarding their risk of passing on certain genetic disorders to their children, but it also offers insights into potential health risks for future generations.

This can aid in making informed decisions about family planning and reproductive health, as well as providing support for managing any potential health outcomes.

How Does Horizon Carrier Screen Work?

The Horizon Carrier Screen is a non-invasive genetic test that requires only a simple blood or saliva sample. The sample is then sent to a laboratory where the DNA is extracted and analyzed using advanced technology, including next-generation sequencing.

Once the analysis is complete, the results are reported back to the healthcare provider or directly to the individual if they have opted for direct access testing. The results include information on carrier status for over 274 genetic conditions, with a focus on those commonly found in specific ethnic or racial groups.

The report also contains personalized recommendations based on the identified carrier status, such as referrals for further testing or follow-up consultations with a genetic counselor. This comprehensive approach ensures that individuals receive accurate and personalized information to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.

In summary, the Horizon Carrier Screen is a cutting-edge genetic test that offers a more comprehensive and accurate approach to carrier screening.

It empowers individuals with valuable information and support for family planning and reproductive health, ultimately promoting healthier future generations. So, it is an essential tool in modern healthcare that promotes proactive management of inherited diseases.

Benefits of Horizon Carrier Screen

The Horizon Carrier Screen offers numerous benefits to individuals and families, including:

Comprehensive Coverage: 

The Horizon Carrier Screen covers over 274 genetic conditions, providing individuals with a more comprehensive understanding of their carrier status and potential health risks for future generations.

It also includes conditions commonly found in specific ethnic or racial groups, ensuring inclusive and accurate results.

Accurate and Advanced Technology:

The use of next-generation sequencing technology allows for more precise and detailed analysis, resulting in highly accurate carrier status information.

This advanced technology also enables the detection of rare genetic conditions that may not be detected through traditional carrier screening methods. Normal gene sequencing only identifies a small portion of mutations and relies on previous testing for known genetic disorders.

Personalized Recommendations:

Based on an individual's carrier status, the Horizon Carrier Screen provides personalized recommendations for further testing or follow-up consultations with a genetic counselor.

This ensures that individuals receive tailored information and support for managing their reproductive health.

Informed Decision Making:

By providing valuable information on carrier status and potential health risks, the Horizon Carrier Screen empowers individuals to make informed decisions about family planning and reproductive health. This can lead to more proactive management of inherited diseases, resulting in healthier future generations.

Vitro fertilization, also known as IVF, is a process in which eggs are fertilized by sperm outside of the body.

It is often used to assist with pregnancy for individuals or couples who have difficulty conceiving naturally. X-linked inheritance is a type of genetic inheritance where the gene responsible for a particular trait or disorder is located on the X chromosome.

As the X chromosome is larger than the Y chromosome, it carries more genetic information and can result in different patterns of inheritance.

Early Detection and Intervention:

Carrier screening through the Horizon Carrier Screen allows for early detection of any potential genetic disorders, enabling timely intervention and treatment if necessary.

This can lead to better outcomes for both the individual and their future children, as well as reducing the risk of passing on inherited diseases to future generations.

These are just some of the many benefits of the Horizon Carrier Screen, making it an essential tool in promoting proactive management of inherited diseases and ensuring healthier future generations.

What Disorders Are Screened?

On the Horizon Carrier Screen, there are over 274 genetic conditions screened for, including:

Cystic fibrosis:

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that affects the lungs, digestive system, and other organs.

It is caused by mutations in the CFTR gene and results in thick, sticky mucus buildup in the body, leading to breathing difficulties and decreased ability to absorb nutrients from food. The Horizon Carrier Screen screens for 69 variants of the CFTR gene associated with cystic fibrosis.

Spinal muscular atrophy:

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a rare genetic disorder that affects the nerve cells responsible for muscle control.

It is caused by mutations in the SMN1 gene and can lead to progressive muscle weakness and loss of movement. The Horizon Carrier Screen screens for the most common genetic variants associated with SMA.

Sickle cell disease:

Sickle cell disease is a group of inherited blood disorders that affect hemoglobin, a protein responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body. It is caused by mutations in the HBB gene and can lead to anemia, organ damage, and other serious health complications.

The Horizon Carrier Screen screens for the most common genetic variants associated with sickle cell disease, which is more prevalent in certain ethnic groups such as African Americans, Hispanics, and people of Mediterranean descent.

Other genetic disorders:

In addition to the above, the Horizon Carrier Screen also screens for other genetic disorders such as Tay-Sachs disease, Canavan disease, and Gaucher disease.

These are just a few examples of the wide range of conditions covered by the test, showcasing its comprehensive approach to carrier screening.

By identifying potential risks for these and many other genetic disorders, individuals can take proactive steps toward managing their reproductive health and making informed decisions about family planning. 

How To Choose The Right Carrier Screening Test

When it comes to carrier screening, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Different genetic testing options are available, and choosing the right one depends on various factors such as personal preferences, family history, and ethnicity.

However, the Horizon Carrier Screen offers several advantages that make it a highly recommended option for individuals and families:

  • Comprehensive coverage of over 274 genetic conditions
  • Advanced technology for accurate results
  • Personalized recommendations based on carrier status
  • Informed decision-making for proactive management of inherited diseases

In addition to these advantages, the Horizon Carrier Screen also offers flexible testing options, including direct access or physician-directed testing.

Who Should Consider the Horizon Carrier Screen?

The Horizon Carrier Screen is recommended for individuals and couples who are planning to start a family or expand their family.

This includes individuals who are already pregnant or considering pregnancy shortly. It is especially crucial for couples with a family history of genetic disorders or those belonging to ethnic groups that have a higher prevalence of certain conditions, such as sickle cell disease in African Americans.

Genetic testing through the Horizon Carrier Screen can provide valuable information about potential health risks for future generations and empower individuals to make informed decisions about family planning.

It is also beneficial for anyone interested in proactive management of inherited diseases, regardless of their current reproductive plans. Ultimately, the Horizon Carrier Screen offers an opportunity for individuals to take charge of their reproductive health and ensure a healthier future for themselves and their children.

What is the Cost and Insurance Coverage for the Horizon Carrier Screen?

The cost of the Horizon Carrier Screen varies depending on several factors, including the type of testing (direct access or physician-directed) and any additional tests requested.

However, many insurance plans cover carrier screening for individuals with a personal or family history of genetic disorders.

It is essential to check with your insurance provider about coverage and potential out-of-pocket costs.

Additionally, some laboratories offer financial assistance programs to help make genetic testing more accessible and affordable. Also, the cost of carrier screening is usually significantly lower than the potential expenses associated with managing a genetic disorder in the future.


Why is the Horizon Carrier Screen important for family planning?

The Horizon Carrier Screen is crucial for family planning as it helps identify potential carrier status for serious genetic conditions. This information is essential for understanding the risk of passing on genetic disorders to offspring, particularly those involving autosomal recessive inheritance. It allows prospective parents to make informed decisions and consider options like preimplantation genetic diagnosis.

What are the benefits of expanded carrier screening with the Horizon Carrier Screen?

Expanded carrier screening with the Horizon Carrier Screen provides comprehensive coverage of numerous genetic conditions, including those common in specific ethnic groups. It detects both normal genes and mutated genes, aiding early identification of potential health risks. This proactive approach supports better preparedness and informed decision-making in reproductive health and family planning.

Is the Horizon test worth it?

Yes, the Horizon Carrier Screen is a valuable tool for individuals and couples planning to start a family or expand their family. It provides comprehensive coverage of over 274 genetic conditions and offers personalized recommendations based on carrier status.


In conclusion, the Horizon Carrier Screen is an invaluable tool for identifying genetic conditions and aiding in family planning.

By screening for a wide array of genetic disorders, this test empowers individuals with critical knowledge about their genetic makeup.

This information enables prospective parents to make informed decisions about their reproductive health, thereby providing peace of mind and better preparedness for potential health outcomes.

The comprehensive nature of the test ensures thorough detection of carrier statuses for conditions such as cystic fibrosis, spinal muscular atrophy, and fragile X syndrome. Ultimately, the Horizon Carrier Screen significantly contributes to reducing the risk of passing on genetic disorders to future generations, fostering healthier families and communities.